
Eeva-Liisa Vihinen Organisational Consultant, Coach, Partner and Board Member at Humap ltd

As a coach Hanne is at the same time very warmly empathetic and gently challenging. Most of all, she is totally present for you. For me as a coachee the main principle that became alive was "less is more". This main idea gave space to a possibility to truly stop and recognize my own emotions and thoughts without an urge to resist them. Through her acceptance, compassion and appreciation I started to see my possibilities from a new perspective. It's been a while now since we had the coaching process, but I feel like I'm only now enjoying the results of it. As being very gentle Hanne's approach is also disturbing in a stimulating way.

Hanne Buhl Coach 

Spiremus er latin og udtales med tryk på anden stavelse: spi-RE-mus. Det betyder "Lad os trække vejret". Jeg hedder Hanne Buhl, og jeg tilbyder samtale, coaching og ledersparring. Mit speciale er mindfulness-coaching.

© Hanne Buhl | Tel.:+45 61 62 26 72 | CVR 30872401
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